+1 514 569 5685
3729, Celine-Marier Ville St-Laurent, H4R 3N3 Québec, Canada

Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ)


Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ)

There are two ways to apply for a Certificat de Selection du Quebec (CSQ) as a Qualified Worker in Quebec: the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ) and the Quebec Qualified Worker Program via the Arrima portal.

The PEQ (as a worker) requires 2 years of QC work experience in a NOC O, A or B profession, full time (30 hours per week) and paid, and an advanced intermediate level (B2) in French (speaking and listening). These are the only two criteria for this program. Therefore, in this case, age and studies have absolutely no influence on obtaining a CSQ.

For the Skilled Worker program, on the other hand, points must be obtained in the selection grid. The criteria are age, education and training, work experience, language skills (French and English with an emphasis on French), experience in QC, family members in QC and the skills of your partner if you are in a relationship. You create a profile on the Arrima platform and wait for an invitation by the government to apply for a Certificat de Selection du Quebec (CSQ). However be careful, having an invitation does not mean that you pass the requirements. These will be reviewed when you submit your application. A job offer from a QC employer can help. But it does not guarantee the outcome.

Since its launch, Arrima has not given great satisfaction so far. There were few calls for CSQ applications. Therefore,, today, the “safest” way is still the PEQ.

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